Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Joomla - Installation

“First impression is the last impression. This is a famous saying but it is really important to project things well if one wants it to become better and famous. Joomla, a content management system helps in maintaining the huge amount of online data in a systematic way. It is an extremely efficient and simple to use system and hence it is becoming more and more popular.”

So since there are a lot of 1and1 Customers that wanted steps and guidance in setting up Joomla Application on the Server. It came to me that I should write the instructions here on my blog.

First and foremost you need to have a 1and1 Hosting Package to get started. So anybody can start installing Joomla on the 1and1 Beginner Package. But the 1and1 Beginner Package and the Home Package doesn’t have the SSH Feature (e.g. Putty SSH) which the 1and1 Business and Developer Package have.

Joomla System Requirements:

  • PHP 4.2.x or above
  • MySQL 3.23.x or above
  • Apache 1.3.x or above

So you need to prepare 4 important things

1. Joomla Application

2. FTP or SSH

3. Domain or subdomain - to which you will assign the Joomla Application

4. MySQL Database

Using FTP ( for 1and1 Beginner Package and Home Package)

1. Download the ZIP Joomla Application from the Joomla Website

2. Unzip the File to a your Local Computer and upload it on the server.

FTP Information:

Host : domain.com

FTP username: uxxxxxxx

FTP Password: (you can see informations in the 1and1 Control Panel)

3. After you have downloaded the Application, you need to point the application to your domain or subdomain, so since I have created a Joomla Directory on my webspace, I will make sure that the domain or subdomain is pointing to my Joomla Directory. You can refer to this FAQ link on how to change the destination of the domain.

4. Then lets start installing, type in : http://domain.com/installation on your browser

4. Click on Next after choosing a Language. On the Pre-Installation Check you might notice some Red Bold letters on the Recommended Settings (this usually happens when you have php4 version on the server, so I advice you to parse it to php5). Click here on how to parse.

And turn-off display errors, by creating a php.ini file and upload it on the Joomla Installation Directory

display_errors = off

Note: make sure that you upload the .htaccess and php.ini file on the Joomla Installation Directory.

5. After accepting reading the license proceed to Step 4. Database. If you haven’t created a database yet, you can refer on 1and1 FAQ

6. For FTP Configuration it is possible to skip this step. And proceed to Configuration, by providing your Site Name, Admin Email address and password. Then Click on Install Sample Data , then click on NEXT

7. You will be prompted with this warning before you can proceed to the admin page.

8. So inorder for the installation to be remove, you can either delete it or rename it. Then Click on Admin button on the installation process.

9. Now you will be accessing the Admin Page of Joomla

Username: admin

10. And you’re all set for administering your Joomla Site.

Using SSH - Secure Shell access

1) Open up your SSH client.

Important Commands in accessing SSH

2) Once you are connected to the webspace, you pull up Joomla Download Site and right click ZIP

4. On ssh type in wget note: make sure you have created a Joomla Directory.

5. So after getting the zip file from the joomla.org site, you now need to unzip it. FIrst you need to check if it was uploaded correctly, so to check the files on the directory you type in: ls , so now you will be able to see the zip application: Joomla_1.5.9-Stable-Full_Package.zip

6. Since you already have the zip application on the server, you need to unzip it. Just by typing Unzip then highlight the word: Joomla_1.5.9-Stable-Full_Package.zip then right click. It would look like : Unzip Joomla_1.5.9-Stable-Full_Package.zip

7. Once you have unzip the applications, you will have a list of folders e.g administrators, installation, cache, components, images, language, etc.

8. Now you’re all set on assigning the Joomla Directory to your domain or subdomain ( Please follow the setup starting @ instruction no. 3 under Using FTP to continue)

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